
Shanghai conference · Jan 11,2019

Designers from Shenzhen to Shanghai are asking for help in understanding all is involved in this catch-all label of "5G": Help in understanding its new radio technologies; help in solving design problems caused by moving from sub-6GHz to mmWave frequencies; and help in using 5G in applications to not just connect people with each other, but to connect together "things" as well.

To satisfy this pressing need for information, Microwave Journal China is launching a new technical conference and exhibition - MWJC 5GDF (MicroWave Journal China 5G Design Forum). The one-day conference will be held in Shenzhen on 11 December 2018 (successfully held) and in Shanghai on 11 January 2019. The conference is structured to be of help to 150 to 200 designers and tech. managers at each location.

The conference, itself, will focus on satisfying the information needs of both analog and digital 5G designers. The technical sessions and sponsored workshops will provide designers with insight to the techniques and technologies used in other 5G designs that could be applied or adapted to solve their particular design challenges.

The exhibition will augment the conference and feature product displays and demonstrations that address all aspects of design, simulation, test, and verification.

The exhibition, along with tea breaks and lunch, will provide conference speakers and their staff members with multiple opportunities to meet with the conference attendees.


Propose Topics

  • Smart antennas and MIMO systems
  • Highly integrated RF transceiver systems
  • High-speed interconnects and signal integrity measurements
  • Millimetre-wave signal generation and testing
  • Millimetre-wave transceiver
  • 5G new radio
  • 5G Antenna module design
  • New components for 5G
  • Simulation of beam forming
  • New modulation scheme
  • Wireless awareness
  • Small cell
  • System on chip
  • And more ……

